mercredi 17 mars 2010

UPDT '' Une Partie De Toi'' Chopin's new Exhibition 2010

Hey Everyone!!!I'm so proud of my brother Chopin!!

I'm honored and pleased to invited you to Chopin's exhibition(UPDT aka Une Parti De TOi)from April 17th to May 14th, 2010, at La Galerie Dentaire, 1239 Rue Amherst, Montreal. Last year, Chopin created a facebook commotion by creating 500 portraits in 40 days, using a unique technique known to him. Obviously, with the permission of his subjects, Chopin used people's photos that he carefully selected from their facebook's profile, taping into their personalities and started to deconstruct their facial structure, adding new shapes, forms and colors, the result makes it very stimulating for the human eyes. The positive feed backs came like a thunder lightning bolt and created this huge hype over the social network. Also, last year Chopin participated at the FIMA 2009(Festival International Montreal en Arts) this festival gives a space for artists across the world to show and sell their artworks aka hardwork to the public since 1999 and Chopin was given the price of La découverte de l'année 2009, which gave him the opportunity to expose his artwok, as you know now, at la Galerie Dentaire. So come by and discover the world of Chopin seeing through his eyes. On April 17th, 2010,I will be DJing for the evening for the official vernissage, UPDT aka Une Partie De Toi, same place. I Hope to see you in big numbers & keep supporting your local talents.

Chopin's Website

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